Revolutionising Orthopaedic Surgery
HKUMed’s focus on pressing local health issues has not only aided the local community, but also helped build the Faculty’s international reputation.
This is particularly true for HKUMed’s Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology where surgeons developed the “Hong Kong Operation”, pioneering a new approach to treat spinal tuberculosis, which at the time affected 500 people each year in the territory.
Later, building on this expertise in spinal surgery, a team developed the halo-pelvic apparatus to correct tuberculous kyphosis, a deformity caused by the collapse of the vertebrae. The external stabilising device allowed surgeons to gradually correct the shape of the spine while allowing the patient to continue to move around.
As Hong Kong industrialised, new issues arose from lax work safety rules and dangerous machinery, resulting in an increase in traumatic hand injuries. Thanks to expertise shared by surgeons from overseas and mainland China, microsurgery became integral to hand surgery in Hong Kong. The first replantation of a severed thumb was completed in 1977.
HKUMed orthopaedic surgeons have also opened new avenues for research into intervertebral disc degenerative disease. They carried out the world’s first human disc transplant in the 2000s. Spinal discs provide cushioning between the vertebrae in the spine allowing a person to bend and twist. However, as a person ages, these discs can suffer wear and tear, resulting in pressure on the nerves and pain.
The team pioneered allogenic intervertebral disc transplantation in five patients with cervical disc herniations as although artificial disc replacements were available, results were inconsistent. Five years post-surgery patients reported that their neurological symptoms had improved.