Patients and the Community 造福社群

“Medicine is not only a science; it is also an art. It does not consist of compounding pills and plasters; it deals with the very processes of life, which must be understood before they may be guided.” – Paracelsus

The practice of medicine is not a simple matter of medical breakthroughs and ensuring the survival of patients, it is about healing that applies to the whole person, to ensure patients are both physically and mentally well. Our central ethos is centered around the betterment of humanity – much of the work that our academics have dedicated themselves to over the years is focused on improving patients’ quality of life, promoting recovery and healing, and fostering lifelong bonds and connections.

「醫學不僅是一門科學;也是一門藝術。它不只是複合藥丸和膏藥;而是牽涉生命的各個過程,必須先了解這些過程,然後才能加以引導。」—— 帕拉塞爾蘇斯


Love your mental health
Love your mental health

Leading the early intervention for psychotic disorders in Hong Kong

Psychosis is a common condition affecting up to 3 in 100 people. With evidence suggesting delayed treatment may lead to poorer outcomes, a team of HKUMed psychiatrists became some of the first doctors in Asia to implement early intervention for psychosis and raise public awareness.

It was through the Hospital Authority’s Early Assessment Services for Young persons with psychosis (EASY) Programme that their work took shape in the early 2000s. Data from the past decade show evidence of the benefits of early intervention programmes. Patients under the care of early intervention services showed improved functioning, milder symptoms, and fewer hospitalisations and suicides. Early intervention is also more cost-effective when compared with standard care.

As Hong Kong has provided improved services and programmes for these patients, HKUMed researchers have spearheaded the Jockey Club Early Psychosis Project to help lead this effort.

早期介入 為精神健康導航





My therapist’s name is T-cell
My therapist’s name is T-cell

T cell immunotherapy treatment brings hope for nasopharyngeal cancer patients

Nasopharyngeal cancer, also known as the “Canton tumour” owing to its prevalence in southern China, is a disease where malignant changes occur in the top part of the throat. It is the most common head and neck cancer in Hong Kong. Nasopharyngeal cancer is associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, a human herpesvirus, which is hidden in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. The blood serum of most nasopharyngeal cancer patients contains one or more antibodies directed against EB virus.

The HKUMed research team developed a T cell immunotherapy treatment to “train” a patient’s killer T immune cells before reinfusing the cells into the patient. The boosted killer T cells then target the virus, destroying the infected cancer cells.

The research discovered that T cell immunotherapy treatment can prolong the lives of nasopharyngeal cancer patients. The research team also believes that the treatment can delay the recurrence of the cancer.

T細胞免疫療法 為鼻咽癌患者帶來治療希望




Made in ICSI
Made in ICSI

Introduction of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique to Hong Kong

In the mid-1990s, HKUMed introduced Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) to Hong Kong.  ICSI remains a commonly used technique to achieve fertilization in In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF).

ICSI is a laboratory technique where specialists select a single sperm which is then injected directly under a microscope into an egg to fertilise it.

It is deployed in cases where the man has very poor sperm quality or experienced a reduced fertilisation rate of less than 30 per cent in a previous IVF cycle using conventional insemination method.

細胞漿內單精子注射 (ICSI) 助難孕夫婦生育


ICSI是一種實驗室技術,專家將單個精子在顯微鏡下注射到一個卵子中授精。 它適用於嚴重男性因素導致的不孕, 或過往進行常規試管嬰兒(IVF)時受精率低於百份之三十的男性。

Lungs go glamping
Lungs go glamping

Intubation tent has a better barrier-enclosure design the aerosol box

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare workers to develop new techniques both for treating patients and for protecting themselves from a highly contagious virus.

Two of these inventions are the aerosol box and intubation tent, which were designed to protect healthcare workers from aerosol transmission.

To better understand the usability of devices, a research team from HKUMed compared the protective equipment while conducting rapid sequence intubations on a mannequin. The team also tested their speed without either device.

They recorded a significantly longer intubation time when using the aerosol box (30.9 seconds) versus both no device (23.7 seconds) and the intubation tent (26 seconds).

Further research is needed to establish which option has the greatest efficacy in preventing aerosol dispersal during procedures.

插管帳篷 防新冠病毒氣溶膠傳播



Make kids happy again
Make kids happy again

Vaccinating adolescents against SARS-CoV-2

As COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out for adults in Hong Kong in early 2021, the roadmap for shots for children and adolescents was still unclear. To address this, HKUMed’s Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and School of Public Health launched the COVA study on COVID-19 vaccines in adolescents in April of that year to collect data to inform both the public and the government.

While children are less likely to be hospitalised with COVID-19, they can suffer serious complications from the disease, highlighting the need to vaccinate this group. The study was particularly important as school closures have had a negative effect on children and they can also pass the virus to vulnerable elderly relatives.

Researchers found that the antibody and T-cell responses to two doses of either the BioNTech/Fosun or Sinovac vaccines in 11-to-17-year-olds were non-inferior compared to adults, clearing the way to vaccinate this group.



疫苗為抗擊疫情的重要手段,港大醫學院兒童及青少年科學系以及公共衞生學院推行青少年 2019冠狀病毒病疫苗研究(COVA)計劃,就有關新冠疫苗在青少年中的反應原性和免疫原性作研究,以擴大疫苗接種組別至青少年。 

計劃招募11歲以上的健康青少年和免疫力較低或曾感染2019年冠狀病毒病病人,及其父母和成年人作對照,並對比復星醫藥/BioNTech 復必泰(BNT162b2)及科興克爾來福疫苗(CoronaVac)於青少年身上的成效。研究發現兩種疫苗均適合青少年接種,因此青少年也可受到疫苗保護。 

Little but not less
Little but not less

Community-building for rare disease patients

HKUMed’s work is not limited to the laboratory, hospital, or clinic. This is exemplified by a team of researchers and clinicians who specialise in rare bone diseases and have realised the value of building a community to support these patients.

Children with rare diseases such as dwarfism often face barriers or misunderstandings in society. To tackle this, HKUMed researchers formed a group to support families of children with dwarfism and to educate the public called “Little People Hong Kong”.

The researchers’ networks within HKUMed have allowed the group to connect with and learn from similar organisations in mainland China.

HKUMed’s clinical expertise in rare bone diseases also extends into mainland China where the University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Hospital provides treatment to patients with osteogenesisimperfecta, known as brittle bone disease.

關愛侏儒症患者 為內地罕見骨骼病患治療


香港大學聯同小而同罕有骨骼疾病基金會合辦「小個子, 大作為」關愛行動,透過研討會、輔導計劃等,讓教育工作者、學生及大眾了解患者在學校的需要,幫助教育工作者創造共融校園。


Commissioned Artist 委約藝術家

Vivian Ho 何博欣

Through this series of portraits, Vivian Ho skilfully depicts individuals who suffer from rare diseases, ranging from bone diseases, breast cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, to infertility and psychotic disorders. Yet their adversity is washed with bright hues, their faces filled with smiles and positivity, symbolic of the hope HKUMed has created for them with its novel medical research and breakthroughs.

Vivian Ho is an emerging artist who is active in the scene of art and illustration in Hong Kong. After graduating from Wesleyan University, she held solo and group exhibitions in New York, Italy, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other places. Vivian was named one of the top five local artists to watch at the Affordable Art Fair HK 2014. Following that, she has given some guest lectures at SCAD, the University of Hong Kong and TEDxYouth.

As a Hong Kong native, born post-90s, she has a special feeling for Hong Kong’s local culture and has a different kind of view to observe the world. Vivian’s multi-media creations that she made for the cultural, commercial domain and also the public services show us her alternative imagination and sharp social insight, widely praised by people. Partners include the Hong Kong International Film Festival, TVB, Nike, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Lee Jeans, Carhartt, Standard Chartered, HSBC, MTR Corporate, UA Cinema, Herman Millers etc.

香港藝術家及插畫家何博欣畢業於美國衛斯理大學,主修藝術及經濟。畢業後,她曾於香港、上海、紐約、巴黎、羅馬等地舉行聯展及個人展覽。2014年,她獲Affordable Art Fair HK 列為前五名備受矚目地本地藝術家之一;其後曾在SCAD、香港大學、TEDxYouth 擔任嘉賓講師。

作為土生土長的香港90後,她不只對香港本地文化情有獨鍾,對世界也有獨特見解。她的多媒體創作呈現了其對社會的洞察力以及對城市獨特的想像,獲得文化界和商界的廣泛肯定。她曾合作的機構和品牌包括:香港國際電影節、無綫電視、Nike、香港話劇團、渣打銀行、滙豐銀行、港鐵、UA戲院、Herman Millers等。